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Transforming Traceability: The Urgent Need for Increased Food Safety

Recently, iTradeNetwork’s CEO, Rhonda Bassett-Spiers, along with Chief Product Officer, Nathan Romney and V.P. of Sales Solutions, Mike Anderson, hosted a live webinar to share the urgent need for increased food safety and our new traceability solutions.

We shared how the push to ensure food safety through traceability has been a major priority for the government and food industry as food recalls have increased more than 50% in the past decade. But if you don’t have a traceability platform in place that can help protect you in the event of a recall, it poses a huge risk to your brand, your customers’ lives, and your profit margins.  

Our next-level traceability solutions remove that risk and give you the protection you need to grow and create the safest, most visible supply chain possible.

The Challenges

As buyers and suppliers, you’re all too familiar with the challenges of traceability. The biggest issue being siloed and limited data that makes it difficult to respond to a recall efficiently. 

“Supply chains today are very complex and always in motion,” said CEO, Rhonda Bassett-Spiers. “There are a lot of stops for a product from field to fork and keeping track of all those events and locations is difficult without a centralized platform, like iTrade’s. Not only can it lead to fast, surgically precise recall responses, but it can also save lives.”

All of those stops along the supply chain mean you need the data to provide the visibility and coordination needed to respond to food safety events. That cannot be done through spreadsheets.

Then, there’s the challenge of meeting ever-changing federal regulations and buyer initiatives.

From PTI to the FDA’s new FSMA 204 rule to buyer initiatives like Walmart’s Supplier Quality Excellence Program (SQEP), it’s easy to look at all of this and feel like it will take more work for you. But with the right solutions, you can stay ahead of these mandates.

The Next-Level Solutions

When it comes to food traceability solutions, there’s no such thing as one size fits all, yet the industry has approached traceability one way - with labels. But that doesn’t scale for everyone. 

So we’ve introduced the industry’s first label-less produce solution, protein trace solution and incident alert and recall management 

Label-Less Produce & Protein Trace

Our Label-Less Produce and Protein Trace solutions are designed for: 

  • Protein providers 
  • Supplier of lower-risk produce commodities, or
  • High-volume produce growers/shippers not currently using PTI or item labeling

“Our Label-less solutions use the foundation of our 8,000 customers that are on our platform to build a traceability profile that doesn’t require you to label a product,” said Nathan Romney, Chief Product Officer.  

Incident Alert & Recall Management  

That same network of trading partners that powers our label-less solutions, Label-Less Produce & Protein Trace, also powers the industry’s only machine-learning-based incident alert and recall management solution. Whether you use PTI, item labeling, or our new Label-less capabilities, our technology accelerates collaboration so recalled products can be located and removed from the supply chain within minutes.

Watch On-Demand

If you weren’t able to register for the live webinar, you can watch it on-demand now to see how you can take your traceability next level and protect your customers, your brand, and your profit margins. 

You can also register to learn more about each of our individual new solutions, starting with Label-Less Produce in our live showcase series, starting Tuesday, May 25 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET. You can register for those live events here.

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Transforming Traceability: The Urgent Need for Increased Food Safety

Recently, iTradeNetwork’s CEO, Rhonda Bassett-Spiers, along with Chief Product Officer, Nathan Romney and V.P. of Sales Solutions, Mike Anderson, hosted a live webinar to share the urgent need for increased food safety and our new traceability solutions.

We shared how the push to ensure food safety through traceability has been a major priority for the government and food industry as food recalls have increased more than 50% in the past decade. But if you don’t have a traceability platform in place that can help protect you in the event of a recall, it poses a huge risk to your brand, your customers’ lives, and your profit margins.  

Our next-level traceability solutions remove that risk and give you the protection you need to grow and create the safest, most visible supply chain possible.

The Challenges

As buyers and suppliers, you’re all too familiar with the challenges of traceability. The biggest issue being siloed and limited data that makes it difficult to respond to a recall efficiently. 

“Supply chains today are very complex and always in motion,” said CEO, Rhonda Bassett-Spiers. “There are a lot of stops for a product from field to fork and keeping track of all those events and locations is difficult without a centralized platform, like iTrade’s. Not only can it lead to fast, surgically precise recall responses, but it can also save lives.”

All of those stops along the supply chain mean you need the data to provide the visibility and coordination needed to respond to food safety events. That cannot be done through spreadsheets.

Then, there’s the challenge of meeting ever-changing federal regulations and buyer initiatives.

From PTI to the FDA’s new FSMA 204 rule to buyer initiatives like Walmart’s Supplier Quality Excellence Program (SQEP), it’s easy to look at all of this and feel like it will take more work for you. But with the right solutions, you can stay ahead of these mandates.

The Next-Level Solutions

When it comes to food traceability solutions, there’s no such thing as one size fits all, yet the industry has approached traceability one way - with labels. But that doesn’t scale for everyone. 

So we’ve introduced the industry’s first label-less produce solution, protein trace solution and incident alert and recall management 

Label-Less Produce & Protein Trace

Our Label-Less Produce and Protein Trace solutions are designed for: 

  • Protein providers 
  • Supplier of lower-risk produce commodities, or
  • High-volume produce growers/shippers not currently using PTI or item labeling

“Our Label-less solutions use the foundation of our 8,000 customers that are on our platform to build a traceability profile that doesn’t require you to label a product,” said Nathan Romney, Chief Product Officer.  

Incident Alert & Recall Management  

That same network of trading partners that powers our label-less solutions, Label-Less Produce & Protein Trace, also powers the industry’s only machine-learning-based incident alert and recall management solution. Whether you use PTI, item labeling, or our new Label-less capabilities, our technology accelerates collaboration so recalled products can be located and removed from the supply chain within minutes.

Watch On-Demand

If you weren’t able to register for the live webinar, you can watch it on-demand now to see how you can take your traceability next level and protect your customers, your brand, and your profit margins. 

You can also register to learn more about each of our individual new solutions, starting with Label-Less Produce in our live showcase series, starting Tuesday, May 25 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET. You can register for those live events here.

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