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GR Fresh Joins the Movement to Build The World’s Safest Food Supply Chain Adopting The Free iTrade Traceability Campaign

August 27, 2020

GR Fresh is the latest customer to pick up the food safety mantle and join iTrade’s iTracefresh program. As the leading global provider of supply chain software for the food and beverage industry, iTrade is pioneering efforts to build the world’s safest and most comprehensive global food supply chain. To underline its commitment to guaranteeing the safety of our food, it has removed all barriers to adoption, offering the iTracefresh traceability suite to any supplier’s, or indeed any buyer’s, entire supplier portfolio for the first year – free of charge. 

“Traceability is becoming an increasingly important focus area for our buyers, consumers, and our business. iTrade’s traceability offer helps us ensure that we can meet changing requirements quickly and in such a way that we don’t have to worry about doing the heavy lifting. Being able to capture and transmit traceability data from anywhere is also a big benefit,” comments Luis Roberto Webb, VP of Operations at GR Fresh.

In addition to protecting a supplier’s brands during recalls and enabling critical downstream supply chain visibility, iTrade’s traceability solutions help grow its customers’ businesses. Data from a yearlong pilot with a major industry buyer showed that suppliers adopting iTrade traceability increased their trading volumes by an average of 55 percent in just 12 months. Additionally, a sample of just four new growers added a combined $10 million in revenue over the same period. 

“The world would be a better place if everyone knew where their food came from,” says Rhonda Bassett-Spiers, CEO of iTradeNetwork. “Whether you’re a small, family farm or a large, enterprise operation, we want to make food safety and traceability accessible to everyone. We are happy to have GR Fresh join us in creating the world’s safest food supply chain and grow their business in the process.”

GR Fresh is an integrated agri-food company dedicated to the production, distribution and transportation of fresh produce products to meet the needs of their employees, clients, suppliers, and retail partners. With a widespread presence in Mexico and thousands of acres in the United States, GR Fresh aims to be a sustainable industry leader, renowned domestically and abroad for their name brands and the quality of our products and services. GR Fresh holds sustainability to mean the creation of wealth, the respect for our environment, and the strong social commitment to their employees, neighboring communities, and strategic retail partners. Now more than ever, they understand the importance of identifying those niche markets that will allow them to continue to remain a sustainable business.

Suppliers interested in adopting iTrade’s iTracefresh traceability suite and enjoying the first year, free of charge, should visit The promotional package includes two of iTrade’s products: its Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI) case labeling solution, and its Palletized Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) solution, Transit. Qualifying suppliers may also receive the free field kit hardware package that includes a printer, two mobile devices, and 10,000 labels to help them get started on iTracefresh.

Bryn McFadden